Saturday 9 May 2020

Workday Custom Reports

Custom Reports

Apart from Workday - Standard Reports, Workday allows you to create Custom Reports. There are variety of reports that you can create.

Task: Create Custom Report

There are 8 different reports that you can create depending on the need of the reporting.
  1. Simple
  2. Advanced
  3. Matrix
  4. Search
  5. nBox
  6. Composite
  7. Transpose
  8. Trending
Up on the Report Type selection, dynamically some more fields will show up. I will discuss in further posts on each of the report type.
Workday Custom Report

Interview Questions: Security

Workday Security Interview Questions

There is no inheritance for business process security policies (true / false)


Roles are used to drive business process management (true / false)


Which type of security groups is optional and customer-defined?

Job Based Security Group is optional

What type of Security Group are these: Report Writer; Setup Administrator ?
User Based Security Group

Editing a security policy takes effect immediately? (true / false)

False (Need to ‘Activate Pending Security Policy Changes)

The following are true about User-Based Security Groups

Grants access across the system

Multiple people can be members if same user-based security group

Is it possible to activate a previous timestamp while making changes needed to fix present security configuration?

 You may configure securable actions and securable reporting items in a domain security policy.


The following report views permissions the specified user has an action & also security policies and groups that grant access

 Security Analysis for Action

What are the different ways to assign security groups?
By the system based on a process

 Is Report Writer a role-based security group

  Which of the following is not securable area of business process

 Create new sub-processes

 In case a secured item is included in more than one domain security policy, workers who are granted different levels of access permission in different domains get the most access granted


The following report views all domain security policies and business process security policies that use the security group:          

      Action Summary for Security Group

  Editing a child security policy does not affect inheritance in any of the others


 Which Security Group is required for you to access custom reports 

  Report Writer User Based Security Group

  Can a role-based security tag to more than one org?

  In Security Breach, whom should you contact?

 What are the steps to create Role Based Security?
 Steps-Org Role>>Maintain Org Role>>Attach the Role

 What are the two components of Workday Security?
Domain Security

Business Security

 How to disable Functional area?
Maintain Functional area

How to activate security policy?
    Activate pending Security Policy

What determines access to landing page?

Which Report is used to see the Security Policy?
View Security for Securable Item
      Defined tasks and reports that are functionally similar

This dictates who can view / modify data w/in the domain
Domain Security Policies

What dictates who can participate in the business process
Business Process Policies

Type of security group automatically assigned based on user’s job criteria
Job based security group

   Security policies designate permissions for security groups to view, or view and modify tasks within the domain
      Domain Security Policy

     Security Policies contain such securable items as initiation steps, step actions, and actions on the process as a whole
      Business Process Security Policy

Can you reassign a task to anyone?
No (It can be assigned to the users who have relevant security group in BP Security Policy).

Which dictates who can participate in BP?
Business Process Security Policy

------------ are assigned to users  based on administrative responsibility

 ------------ are found as a related action off worker’s name

 ----------- are assigned to users are based on criteria selected
  Job based

 ------------- are used to only approve business process management tasks; they do not determine task or report access and cannot initiate a business process
Job roles

 --------- report views all details about security group membership, security policies in which the group is used, the permissions it has and the functional area
  View Security Group

 ------- is automatically assigned based on criteria selected
Job based

 ------------- is used to restore inheritance in a child policy
Use Parent Permissions

Interview Questions: Core Connectors

Workday Core Connectors Interview Questions

Here is the list of Interview Questions related to Core Connector Integrations.

What are Core Connectors and type of connectors?
       Workday connectors are the type of Integration by which we can send or receive data from external endpoints.   
Core Connector is a pre-build Integration Template used to connect third party endpoint, which provide a method of integrating with Workday and ensure that external systems receive only the data you want to expose.

Packaged Connectors – Also called as delivered connectors. These type of integration connectors are designed for specific vendors. No additional coding is required. We need to perform some basic configuration and they are ready for launch.

Core Connectors – These are more generic templates which we can use with any third-party vendor. Here we have to do coding to meet vendor specific requirements like file format etc. So, here more configuration is needed in comparison with Packaged connectors.
How do you configure a Field Override Service?
Step 1: Go to Related Actions of integration >> Configure Integration Services >> Custom Integration Services >> Click on Create >> select "Create Integration Field Override Service".

Step 2: Enter the name to the service and select Business Object on which you wanted the fields. Also add the alias for the fields that you wanted to use. Click ok.

Step 3: Go to integrations system>> Configure Integration Field Overrides and then click on the service that you have created on the left hand side (usually after Define Eligibility).

Step 4: Select the fields that you want to additionally add under override external fields section. These fields will show up under additional section in xml output file of integration.

What is a Field Override Service?
Field override service is used to add extra fields such as calculated fields in the output as these fields are not available under any service.

How can we add additional fields in Connectors?
        Through Field Override Service

What is the use of XSLT in an integration?

You use XSLT ( eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) to transform the input or output data going into an XML document. Learn here w3schools

What is a WSDL? Why are they important?
WSDL stands for Web Service Description Language, and they are important because they specify how XML documents should be formatted to be accepted as input or define the output of Workday Web Services.

What is the Search prefix that you can use to search all integrations?

Name some Integration ID types?
Workday ID, External ID, Reference ID

What are the different audit files that get generated for your Cloud Connector?
Data Changes Audit - This audit holds the relevant data changes. For each worker, displays the Integration Field Override Service name, field name, current and prior field values, and worker transactions for each field included on the integration output file.
Diagnostic Audit - This audit holds the data relevant to eligible entrants from the core connector.
Both of them are of file type .html

What is the use of Suppress Audit Report and where to configure?
In Configure Integration Attributes, you have the option to enable / disable “Suppress Audit Reports” integration attribute by checking or unchecking the checkbox you configure. If you check this checkbox, Core connector doesn't generate this audit file - DiagnosticAudit.html. By default it is unchecked.
Which file is deliverable when you run your Core Connector?
This is the real output file which can be sent to vendor. We can also apply transformation on this to change the output file format or data in it according to requirements. This file will have by default “deliverable” tag which specifies that this file is deliverable to vendor if delivery is configured.

What are the Date Launch parameters available for Core connector Worker ?
There are 4 date launch parameters available:
As of entry moment: This is the transaction or data entered date which says, till which date the integration has to pick the records.
Last successful as of entry moment: This is the transaction or data entered date which says, what was the most recently used As of entry moment in the last successful Integration (Refers to last integration run). If this is your first time run, then it will be null.
Effective date: This is transaction effective date for the data entered in the system (As of entry moment) which says, till which date the integration has to pick the records.
Last successful effective date: This is the transaction effective date for the data entered in which says, what was the most recently used Effective date in the last successful Integration (Refers to last integration run). If this is your first time run, then it will be null.

How to send output files to external endpoints and what are the available options in that?
We can deliver output files to external endpoints such as SFTP/FTP using delivery service which is provided by workday. We have to add delivery through business process step. So once integration is successful and document is generated, next step will run through Business Process which will be document delivery.

How do you Configure Delivery?
On your Integration,
Step1: Go to business process >> create, copy or link definition.
Add a new step ‘c’, select the type as “service” and in specify select “document delivery”. Click OK.
Step2: You will get an error that the delivery endpoint is not configured. Click on “Configure Document Delivery” to configure endpoint.
Step3: Select the transport type from the list. Enter the credentials. Click OK.

How to configure a Core Connector to show the hires in last 1 month?
To achieve this, you configure the relanvent Core Connector services.
In Transaction log set to Hire BP only. This way it will look only for hire transactions as per our requirement.
Set the 4 important launch parameters:
As of entry moment: This will be current date and time.
Effective date: This will be today's date as I want to check till today
Last successful as of entry moment: This will be a date field which will have value (today – 30) days.
Last effective date: This will be again (today – 30) days.
This way integration will look for employees hired in last 30 days.

What are the other launch Parameters apart from dates in Core Connectors Worker?
Workers: This is a filter, while you want to run your integration for a specific list of Workers, then here you have a choice to select specific workers for which you want to see the transactions. This is an optional.
Restrict results by orgs: This is again a filter, while you want to run your integration for a specific list of Organizations, then here you have a choice to select specific Orgs for which you want to see the transactions. This is an optional.
Full File: This is a checkbox item. If you check this check box, then the integration will not look for changes and gives you all values as of integration run date. This ignores Last successful as of entry moment and Last successful effective date. If you don’t select this option, then it will only find changes and only include those records in output who have changes in one or more output fields. By default this option is not selected.

How to select fields for the output of integration?
Firstly you need to select the service related to which you want to show in the output. For Example If you want compensation related fields in your output, then select checkbox against “Core Connector: Worker / Worker Compensation Data Section Fields”
Then go to “Configure Integration Field Attributes” and select the fields that you need in output.

How to configure Notifications for Integration events?
We can send notifications to users or groups up on Integration abort, errors, completion etc. Below are the steps:
Step1: Go to Integration system >> Integration Notifications
Step2: Select when you want to send notification like if status is aborted, failed, completed etc.
Step3: Select the recipients. You can add a list of Email Id’s or particular security groups like integration admin to send notification to whole group.
Step4: Write the message content so that it will be easy to understand to recipient.

Which all transactions we can select to include in output file? Can we select all?
Yes, we can select all transaction or business processes to include in output.
We can achieve this using Configure Integration Transaction Log option  However, first we have to select the transaction log service while selecting services.

Select the checkbox for Override default values to do modifications.
To select all transactions, select subscribe to all transaction types.
To select specific transactions, enter the transaction name and subscribe to specific transaction types.

What are the steps involved in creating a core connector?
Step1: Search for task “Create integration system”. Enter name for integration and select template for integration. Example - “core connector worker” which provides demographic data for workers.
Step2: Select the services as per the need / requirement. Check the appropriate check boxes.
Step3: You will get an error stating “Page Error - There are Integration Attributes enabled for this Integration System that are marked as "Required for Launch", but do not have a Value assigned to them."
Please use the Related Menu Item Integration System >> Configure Integration Attributes to complete the configuration. Assign the values to attributes as per requirement. There are some mandatory attributes which will be shown as “Required for launch”.
Step4: You can define eligibility conditions or criteria. Go to Integration System >> Configure Integration Field Override. Eligibility condition will evaluate which workers are eligible for this integration. You need to select Boolean field under “Override external field”.
Step5: Then as per the requirement you can select fields which vendor wants in output through Integration System >> Configure Integration Field Attributes.
Step6: If your vendor is expecting any additional fields which are not in the core connector, then you can use field override service to add those additional fields.
Step7: Launch/Schedule Integration

Can we give custom name to output file as per vendor requirement?
Yes, We can achieve this using sequence generator. Go to Integration system >> Configure Integration Sequence Generators.
We have to specify the values under Sequence definition as per requirements.

What is mapping and how to map fields in integration?
Mapping is used to map workday fields to external values. 
For Example if you want to map Gender values, Workday stores values like Male, Female, Unknown. How ever your vendor wants to see the values as M, F, U  
So you map it this way Male- M, Female- F, Unknown- U
Your output file will hold these values(M, F, U) instead of Workday delivered values.

Interview Questions: Reporting

Reporting Interview Questions

What are Advance reports?
Advanced reports enable you to perform many actions on your data from primary and related business objects, including: Counting, Grouping, Summarizing, Totaling.
Output format of these reports can be table and charts.

Which filter would execute first? Filter or sub filter?
Sub filter will execute first. Because sub filters are applied on related business object, so it will filter most of the data using sub filters and then remaining data using filters.

What is RAAS?
RAAS is a normal report which is web service enabled. Making a report as web service enable will help to call that report in EIB, studio Integrations and BIRT. Otherwise, we cannot call that report in EIB, Studio or BIRT.

What are the steps to create a report?
Choose Report type and Data Source>>  Select Objects and Fields>>  Order Columns>>  Sort Output>>  Define Filter Criteria

What is Workday Reporting? What are the types of workday reports?
Workday reporting is a tool to gain information on data which is stored in workday. This information can be in table format, chart format etc.

Types: There are 2 types of Workday Reports. Custom report, Standard Reports.
Standard Reports are again of two types.
Xpresso Reports:
    These reports are delivered reports. User cannot edit these reports. User can only run reports for which S/he have access to.

Report Writer:
These reports are delivered reports. User can not directly edit these reports. User have to copy these reports and then user can edit that report.

Custom reports:
These are the custom reports created by user using report writer tool. The task to create custom report is “Create custom report”. The person who create the report is owner of that report.

How to make report as web service enable?
There are 2 ways to make a report as web service enable.
  • While creating an advance report, you can find a checkbox to make report as web service enable.
  • After creating a report, you can also go to advance tab and select web service enable checkbox. This way you can also disable report as web service, so it cannot be used in EIB, Studio and BIRT. 

What is difference between advance reports and simple reports?
Simple reports will not have option to sub filter, prompts and will have less functionality, wherein advance reports will have these features.
Also, simple reports cannot be used as web service.

The Tab on the Report definition allows you to control the order in which data will be presented and grouped is

Which Report cannot publish Web service?

What is the task to convert a report from simple to advanced?
Related action >> custom report >> Change to Advanced Report type

How do you compare the WD reporting with Relational DB?
Data Source           - View 
Object                    - Table 
Related Object       - Child Table 
Class Report Field - (CRF) Column 
Instance                 - Row

What is Matrix Report?
Matrix reports are similar, but not identical to, pivot tables and cross-tabs found in other systems. You group data in a row group and optionally a column group. Values in the matrix cells display aggregate values scoped to the intersection of the row and column groups to which the cell belongs.

What is RAAS?
You may create custom reports and enable them as a web service to be used in an Outbound EIB (Enterprise Integration Builder) as a data source. If you select this option, then you must also define Column Heading Override and Group Column Heading values on the Columns tab, and provide Label Overrides for all prompts on the Prompts tab.

What is Worklets?
A worklet is a report that can be displayed in a "tile" on the Workday "landing pages", which are: My Workday, All About Me, and My Team, and the Dashboard slide-out. Worklets provide users quick access to frequently referenced data and tasks common to a specific functional area.
You can create your own worklets by using the Report Writer and specifying either the advanced or the matrix report type, and then selecting Enable As Worklet on the Output tab. If you choose to share a worklet, it becomes available for authorized users to select when configuring their Workday landing pages.

What is Trended Worker Data source?
Trended Worker Data source encompasses a number of fields that fall into 3 general categories: 
Monthly worker snapshots. This type of data includes data about  workers as of the last day of the month, including compensation data, headcount numbers, and biographical information. 
Staffing events. These include hires, terminations, transfers, promotions, changes in position, addition or deletion of additional jobs, move events, and international assignments. 
Calculated metrics. These are calculations ,we can make based on the trended data, such as turnover rate and span of control. 
Workday automatically updates the Trended Workers data source at the end of each month. Data is collected for the last 36 months (that is, data is collected for as many months that are available in Workday, up to 36 months). Any data older than 36 months is automatically purged from the data source. Additionally, any retroactive changes that have been made to a worker in the last 3 months are automatically incorporated into the trended data.

What is Trending report?
Using Trending Report, Workday enables to report on and analyze trends in worker data such as headcount and attrition through a number of Workday delivered standard reports. We could create custom Trending report types that use trended data. By using either standard reports or custom reports, we can analyze important trends in our workforce directly in Workday, without the need for a third-party analytical tool. 
At the core of all trending report types is the Trended Workers data source. 

What is Indexed Data source?
Indexed data sources are a special type of data source optimized for performance, aggregation, and faceted filtering on large volumes of data.

Can custom  field be used in Report?

What are the different types of custom reports? 
Simple, Advanced, Matrix, nBox, Search, Simple, Transposed, Trending.

What is the difference between Filter and Sub-Filter?
Filter is used to provide filter condition for Primary Business Object and Sub-Filter is used to provide filter condition for Secondary Business Object

Additional Reads

What's New in Workday - Standard Report

What's New in Workday

What's New is a delivered Standard Workday Report

This report provides release notes for Workday features and enhancements delivered to the preview tenant for the upcoming release. It's run in in Preview tenant and is updated on weekly basis.

Report - What's New in Workday

Example of 1 year duration report.

Select the Date range, and the Functionality (Multiple-Selection allowed) that you want to check. This results will show up on the next screen.

Functionality Example - Benefits, Compensation, payroll, system etc.,

For the given duration you will see the report which holds all the enhancement features that were released, about to release. With the date filters, you can select and identify all versions and related enhancements. 
The report results can be extracted in two formats - xls, pdf.

You can see another report - What's new in Last 7 days 

This report gives you  an alternate view to quickly check the newly added documentation for functional areas enabled in preview tenant. 

This report can be configured as a worklet in Adoption Planning dashboard in your Preview and Production tenants.

The report allows you to specify a different date range if you wanted to see, say 2 weeks, 1 month etc.,

Interview Questions: EIB

Workday EIB Interview Questions

Here is the list of Interview Questions related to EIB - Enterprise Interface Builder Integrations.

What is EIB and what are the types of EIB?

EIB - Enterprise interface builder tool which is used to build simple inbound and outbound Integrations to connect workday with external endpoints.

How many steps are involved in creation of an EIB?
3 Steps / Phases
Get Data, Transform, Deliver

What are outbound EIB?
Outbound EIBs are used to export data from workday. We can also send this exported data to any external vendors or legacy systems through different endpoints such as SFTP/FTP etc.
E.g. Send Dependents data to Benefits vendor from workday.

What are Inbound EIB?
Inbound EIB Integration are used to upload data into Workday from external endpoints or from spreadsheets.
E.g. Inserting One Time Payments, Inserting Bonus Data, Update Emergency Contacts 
We can upload data to workday using spreadsheet attachment or external file from SFTP/FTP/EMAIL locations.

What are the main types of Workday Integrations?
          Workday Studio Integration, 
          Enterprise Information Builder (EIB) Integration, 
          Cloud Connect Integration.

How do you choose which tool is best out of three integrations available?
Few things needs to be considered while choosing the integration tool. Here is what you need to identify first in place.
Is the solution already pre-built? Am I connecting to a third-party vendor with a solution already in place? – If yes, most likely you will choose a Core Connector (Packaged Connector).

Does this integration just need to export or import some data into Workday? – If yes, then most likely you need to go with EIBs.

Do I need to execute several rules, and reports to get the data and calculate the results I need? For example: Determining payroll between Exempt and Non-Exempt employees, calculate deductions, etc. – If yes, then most likely you need a Workday Studio Integration.

Can we create an EIB with the help of matrix report?
No, the reason being reports need to be Web Service enabled for creating EIB and Matrix reports can’t be Web Service enabled.

Can we use all advance reports as a data source in EIB?
 No, we cannot use all advance reports in EIB. We can use only those reports which are web service enabled.

Can we use simple reports as a data source in EIB?

What are the types of transformation allowed with EIB?
We can use 3 types of transformation with EIB:

Custom report Transformation -This type is inbuilt transformation of EIB and have limited functionality.
Custom transformation - In this we have to attach XSLT with EIB and supports XSLT functionality. So, this has more features than Custom report Transformation. Learn here w3schools
Document Transformation -This is type of connector that we can connect with EIB and will supports all functionality of Document transformation such as XTT and ETV.

What are the limitations of EIB?
Only one data source can be used. And only one destination point can be configured for one tenant. Can’t define output tag in EIB.

What data sources can we choose while creating the EIB outbound?
EIB outbound is to export the data from Workday.
Data Source - Custom report or Web Services or REST URL

What data sources can we choose while creating the EIB Inbound?
EIB Inbound is to Import the data into Workday.
Data Source - Attachment or External file or REST Endpoint

Name some Web services that you have used for inbound EIB Load?
Request One-Time Payment (OTP)
Change Emergency Contacts
Request Compensation Change

While performing EIB Inbound load what should we do to avoid get pending actions / Tasks in inbox?
This represents, when you do a load through EIB the underlying BP/task should get complete without going for any approvals. Because your load may be huge , say 10,000 EE bonus data you are loading at that time, there shouldn't be any workflow triggering for approvals. So, while filling the Inbound Spreadsheet template, we need to select “Automatic processing” on first tab. This will skip the BP's
Where can you view Error messages for an EIB?
You can view the EIB run through Integration Events , Process Monitor

Name some input and output types for EIBs?
Input:   SFTP/FTP, REST, or attachment 
Output: SFTP/FTP, HTTP, Email, CSV, JSON, XML, etc

EIB Integration issues with Scenarios and Resolutions

Scenario 1: The EIB does not display in the integration prompt of the Launch/Schedule Integration task.
Resolution: Verify EIB security Configuration. Edit the EIB and resolve any critical errors.

Scenario 2: Non-legible character appears in Microsoft Excel when you open a CSV output file.
Resolution: Before opening the CSV file in Excel, open the CSV in notepad , Then select File>>save as, UTF-8 encoding.

Scenario 3: File name does not include generated date and time variables when the sequence Generator is configured correctly.
Resolution: When launching or scheduling the EIB, Use these settings with the file name launch parameter.
Value type: Determine value at run time
Value: Next sequence for integration File Utility.

Scenario 4: Workday returns the following error message: Root Cause: BadRequestException: Error code: unknown Response: 500: Processing error occurred. No value provided for required [Prompt Name].
Resolution:  Ensure that all required prompts are being populated when the EIB is launched. You may have to edit the scheduler if the EIB was launched from there.

Scenario 5: Workday returns the following error: Transform failed at component: HandleTransform.request.0.XsltTransform. Reason: Output character not available in this encoding
  1. Open the XSLT transformation file in a text editor.
  2. Find the element <xsl: output>.
  3. Within that element, search for the setting for encoding=.
  4. Often this is set to ISO-8859-1 Change this value to UTF-8.
If the recipient of the EIB cannot accept UTF-8-encoded files, then you must change the source data in Workday.

Additional Reads

Workday EIB Inbound
Workday EIB Outbound
Workday Core Connectors Interview Questions

I will be updating / adding some more questions

Workday EIB - Outbound

EIB Outbound

The Workday Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) tool provides an easy-to-use graphical and guided interface to define inbound and outbound integrations without requiring any programming. 

There are two types of EIBs - Inbound and Outbound. Here we will discuss about EIB Outbound.

Outbound EIBs are used to extract data from the Workday system and send it to external system that could be a third party, vendor, legacy system or just a simple attachment. Mostly they are used to send a file to an external destination via ftp. 

Here are the three steps / phases involved in creating an Outbound EIB:

Outbound EIB

1. Get Data

In "Get Data" Phase, we will identify the data source. In 90% of the cases, this is will be a custom report and it should be an advanced report which acts as Report as a Service (RaaS). 

If you are specifying a Report Data Source, you can choose the format in which the report results can be delivered. 

Below are the different output formats: XML, simplified XML, CSV, JSON, GData, or RSS

You can also use Workday Web Service endpoint as the data source for an EIB.

2. Transform

This is used to transform the data from one format to other. You can either choose from the set of predefined (XSL) transforms, or specify a new one that you will define. The out-of-the-box options include transforms to CSV and Excel formats.This is an optional step if you do not want to transform anything. By default your EIB will produce an XML format.

When you use Custom Report as your Data source, you can make use of the Delivered Transformation or Custom Transformation. And when you use Web Service on the other hand, you will have only one option Custom Transformation.
Like said above, you can use None option if you don't want to transform.

New Custom Report Transformation: This is the delivered one's, it will allow you to use it for the first time, it will automatically create the transformation for your EIB. One you select this option, you will not see this later, It will become Custom Report Transformation.

Custom Report Transformation: Same as above. 

Custom Transformation: This is the custom transformation where you will write a XSLT for your XML and upload the same.

3. Deliver

The output resulting from executing the EIB can either be attached back to your tenant, or alternatively delivered to an external endpoint. 

Supported Delivery Methods are: Workday Attachment, FTP, HTTP/SSL, FTP/SSL, FTP, Email, AS2 

You can configure multiple delivery options for different tenants, For example - for production you may configure PGP Production Key and for non production tenants you may configure PGP non-Production Key. Additionally you can use Workday attachment to be delivered to the local tenant where the EIB is ran.

Configuration of a Sample Outbound EIB:

Create EIB task

Guided Path

Get Data



Additional Reads:

Workday Custom Reports

Custom Reports Apart from  Workday - Standard Reports , Workday allows you to create Custom Reports. There are variety of reports that ...