Saturday 9 May 2020

Interview Questions: Security

Workday Security Interview Questions

There is no inheritance for business process security policies (true / false)


Roles are used to drive business process management (true / false)


Which type of security groups is optional and customer-defined?

Job Based Security Group is optional

What type of Security Group are these: Report Writer; Setup Administrator ?
User Based Security Group

Editing a security policy takes effect immediately? (true / false)

False (Need to ‘Activate Pending Security Policy Changes)

The following are true about User-Based Security Groups

Grants access across the system

Multiple people can be members if same user-based security group

Is it possible to activate a previous timestamp while making changes needed to fix present security configuration?

 You may configure securable actions and securable reporting items in a domain security policy.


The following report views permissions the specified user has an action & also security policies and groups that grant access

 Security Analysis for Action

What are the different ways to assign security groups?
By the system based on a process

 Is Report Writer a role-based security group

  Which of the following is not securable area of business process

 Create new sub-processes

 In case a secured item is included in more than one domain security policy, workers who are granted different levels of access permission in different domains get the most access granted


The following report views all domain security policies and business process security policies that use the security group:          

      Action Summary for Security Group

  Editing a child security policy does not affect inheritance in any of the others


 Which Security Group is required for you to access custom reports 

  Report Writer User Based Security Group

  Can a role-based security tag to more than one org?

  In Security Breach, whom should you contact?

 What are the steps to create Role Based Security?
 Steps-Org Role>>Maintain Org Role>>Attach the Role

 What are the two components of Workday Security?
Domain Security

Business Security

 How to disable Functional area?
Maintain Functional area

How to activate security policy?
    Activate pending Security Policy

What determines access to landing page?

Which Report is used to see the Security Policy?
View Security for Securable Item
      Defined tasks and reports that are functionally similar

This dictates who can view / modify data w/in the domain
Domain Security Policies

What dictates who can participate in the business process
Business Process Policies

Type of security group automatically assigned based on user’s job criteria
Job based security group

   Security policies designate permissions for security groups to view, or view and modify tasks within the domain
      Domain Security Policy

     Security Policies contain such securable items as initiation steps, step actions, and actions on the process as a whole
      Business Process Security Policy

Can you reassign a task to anyone?
No (It can be assigned to the users who have relevant security group in BP Security Policy).

Which dictates who can participate in BP?
Business Process Security Policy

------------ are assigned to users  based on administrative responsibility

 ------------ are found as a related action off worker’s name

 ----------- are assigned to users are based on criteria selected
  Job based

 ------------- are used to only approve business process management tasks; they do not determine task or report access and cannot initiate a business process
Job roles

 --------- report views all details about security group membership, security policies in which the group is used, the permissions it has and the functional area
  View Security Group

 ------- is automatically assigned based on criteria selected
Job based

 ------------- is used to restore inheritance in a child policy
Use Parent Permissions

Workday Custom Reports

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