Thursday 30 April 2020

Business Process: Rescind vs Cancel

Business Process: Rescind vs Cancel

Rescind vs Cancel

Its very important to understand the difference between Rescind and Cancel with in Business Processes. At times you get confused as why you are not seeing Rescind option or Cancel option during or after completing the BP.

Rescind is like rolling back your BP.- You will happen to see this 'Rescind' only when the process is in a status of "Successfully Completed"
It completely reverses all changes made to Workday data.
- Can only be done by security groups with appropriate permission (Role: Business Process Administrator)

Cancel is like aborting the BP in the middle.- You will happen to see this 'Cancel' only when the process is in status of "In Progress"
- It completely reverses all changes made to Workday data.
- Can be done by security groups with appropriate permission as well as worker who initiated the process.

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