Friday 10 April 2020

Search Prefixes

Search Prefixes

What if you want to search for a specific items in Workday? Say, you wanted to see only Supervisory Organizations when you type in your keyword in the search bar. Ideally the search results will return all the items that match with your keyword. Search Prefix will favor us in narrowing down to the specific targeted items that you want to see.

You can limit search results by prep-ending your search text with one of the Search Prefixes delivered by Workday.
Your Prefix should be followed by a colon to tell system that you are searching with a prefix text. To find the list of Search Prefixes in your tenant, just type "?" and hit enter. It will produce the Search Prefixes report. Apply filter on "To Find" to identify your desired values.
Workday Search Prefixes

To Find: Any Object that you want to find in specific, Say it reports or Business Objects or Organizations
Type This Prefix: the prefix to be used while searching to view specific results
Search Category: Categories that this item belongs to. Like a tag.
For Example:
to find only Supervisory organizations, begin your search text with 'sup:'
to find only workers, begin your search text with 'worker:'
to find only integrations, begin your search text with 'intsys:'
to find only report definitions, begin your search text with 'rd:'

To my knowledge this is delivered and maintained by Workday and you do not have a way to edit the search prefixes.

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