Thursday 23 April 2020

Workday Business Process

 Business Process

Business Process can be define for any Supervisory Organizations. The Business Process Logic is inherited, so sub ordinate organizations of the same business process defined for a superior organization, unless the subordinate organization has its own version of the process.

The Business process framework uses security groups to control who performs the activities that makeup a business process.
 Business process are created using a combination of actions, approvals, approval chains, to do's.
   The difference between actions, approvals and to dos.
ü Action: Tasks or events within the workday.
ü Approvals:  Approval of a task or event with in the workday.
ü To do: Reminder to do a task either with in the workday or outside the system

The related action icon appears in the left column and contains the available actions for a specific step of the business process

This determines the order of execution for the steps within a business process. Workday uses letters to sequence steps as numbers are sorted alphabetically, not numerically, so 10 sorts before 2. The initiation step is always step “a”

Subsequent steps will use the characters to through z. For example: If three steps are d, they run parallel and all must be completed to kick off the next step. You can also skip letters. For example: a, b, c, d, f is okay, even though e is missing. In addition,  if you add an item with two letters, such as ca, it runs after step c and before step d.
A condition is part of business process step and consists of one or more rules. A condition rule is considered an “if” statements. If the condition is not satisfied the step will not occur.    
This is where you Identify the type of step. For example: an action, service or to do.
This is where indicate the specifies based on the type of step.
An optional step does not have to be completed. You can skip This step, the Next step does not begin until the recipient either choose to skip it or complete it.
Specify one or more security groups responsible for this step.
If the column is not cheeked as soon as one person in the role approve the request. Checking the column requires all persons in the security group to approve the request.
Run as user
Use to identify the user for a batch or integration step type.
Due date
This is the elapsed time from when the process is initiated until the process should be completed.
Routing Restrictions
Routing restrictions enable you to configure individual work flow steps so that selected individuals or excluded from the work flow routing based on your selections.
When a complete step finishes the business process listed as complete even if there are more step in the process.

Business Process Step Types

The initiation step is always the first step in a business process
An action or event that occurs within workday. For example: an action step sub-process of Propose Compensation within the Hire business process.
An approval step gives the designated approver the opportunity to approve, deny or send back the entire business process.
Approval Chain
An approval chain also approves the entire process. An approval chain to a sequence of approvals that starts with an individual and then goes to that person’s manager and on up the management chain until it gets to the top or until some exit condition is met. Use the group column to set the role-based security group that starts the chain.
You can specify that a batch process be run as a business process step. When creating or editing a business process. Simply add a step for the batch process (step the step type to batch and specify the batch process to use).
A checklist is a collection of to dos. Select one of the existing checklists or create a new one.

Consolidated Approval
A consolidated approval enables you to combine multiple approvals for the same person into a single approval task notification. When the approvals link to the approval page, they see simplified information for each step, but with a link to more information if they need more detail. As with a single approval, if the approver denies the approval the entire business process is denied and terminated.
You can include more than one Consolidated Approval step in a business process to eliminate numerous individual approvals.
Consolidated Approval chain
This step type combines the properties of a consolidated approval step and an approval chain step: It must also be configure from the view mode after you have added it to a business process definition.
An integration step is a workday system operation that transfers data to or from an external application. An integration step would also kick off a separate processing thread.
A service step kicks off a separate processing thread (e. g: creation of a workday user account)
Review Documents
This step type enables you to use a business process to distribute documents to workers. To make a document available to a workday business process, you must first add the document to workday using the create Document task. This task allows you to upload a document directly as an attachment or provide a direct link to a document on an external system.
To Do
A to do is an activity that the responsible person must do. Such as a new hire filling in and submitting a W- 4 form. You can embed a Workday task in a to do item. Anyone who then receives the to do as part of a business process will see a button ( in Work feed) or a link (in email) that takes them directly to the task where they can take action immediately on the to do item.

Business Processes


· Create Position
· Edit Hiring Restrictions
· Create Headcount
· Edit Position
· Contract Contingent Worker
· Change Job
· End Contingent Worker Contract
· Terminate
· Transfer Contingent Worker
· Hire


· Request One- time Payment
· Request Compensation Change (ad hoc)
· Request Stock Grant
· Propose Compensation Change (within a staffing event)
· Propose Employee bonus award
· Request employee merit adjustment
· Propose Compensation ( within a hire event)

Benefit Events  

· Change Benefits
· Change Benefits for open Enrollment
· Change Benefits for life events
· Change Refinement Savings.
Time Off/Leave Events

· Request time Off
· Correct Time Off
· Request Leave of Absence
· Request Return from Leave of Absence

Talent Management Events

· Start Performance Review
· Start Performance Improvement Plan
· Start Development Plan
· Start Disciplinary action

Personal Data Events

· Date of Birth Correction
· Edit ID Information
· Personal Information Change
· Marital Status Change  

Contact Information Events

· Legal Name Change
· Preferred Name Change
· Create Primary Address
· Change Primary Address

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