Thursday 30 April 2020

Workday XML - XSL Tranformation

XML - XSL Tranformation - Free online Formatter

Workday XML - XSL Tranformation

XML Stands for eXtensible Markup Language
XSL Stand for eXtensible Stylesheet Language (Styling language for XML)
XSLT stands for XSL Transformations.

If you do not have any xsl transformers installed on your local machine,  I suggest you to use online free formatter to test your xml to xslt conversion and see how your end data looks like after applying your transformation code.

Follow the below three steps, to transform your xml.
  1. XML input - Copy Paste / Attach your generated workday xml code.
  2. XSL input  - Copy Paste / Attach your own custom code in relation to your xml.
  3. Transform XML - Click this to see the result.
Click the below link to format your code.

Just a word of caution: Make sure, you avoid any confidential data in your xml file while using free online formatters

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