Friday 10 April 2020

Workday Tenant Policies and Pricing

Tenant Policy and Pricing

Customers initially deploying the workday product for the first time will get below number of Initial tenants depending up on the size of the organization. Workers include both Employees and Contingent Workers (Contractors).

Core HR:
  1. 3,501 - 20,000 Workers (4 Tenants)
  2. 20,001 - 40,000 Workers  (5 Tenants)
  3. Over 40,000 Workers  (5 Tenants)
Core Financials:
  1. 3,501 - 20,000 Workers (5 Tenants)
  2. 20,001 - 40,000 Workers  (5 Tenants)
  3. Over 40,000 Workers  (6 Tenants)
Core HCM + Core Financials:
  1. 3,501 - 20,000 Workers (7 Tenants)
  2. 20,001 - 40,000 Workers  (7 Tenants)
  3. Over 40,000 Workers  (8 Tenants)
Student Records or Admissions + Student Recruiting:
  1. Less than 3000 Students (3 Tenants)
  2. 3,501 - 9,999 Students (4 Tenants)
  3. 10,000 - 19,999 Students (5 Tenants)
  4. Over 20,000 Students (5 Tenants)
Adding other products like Payroll (1 Tenant) or Prism Analytics(2 Tenants) or Expense or Procurement (1 Tenant) will add the tenant count in addition to the above said.


It's not wise on my part to put the pricing, if you are interested please check the Community portal. 

All the pricing is dealt per month per tenant basis and categorized below number have different price attached to it.

# of Workers: <3,500
# of Workers: 3,501 - 10,000
# of Workers: 10,001 - 40,000
# of Workers: 40,001+

Points to Ponder:
  • The additional tenants have a 3-month minimum duration.
  • Customers can request to purchase a tenant by entering a purchase / renew tenant management request.
  • Customers can purchase additional Implementation tenants at any time on a subscription basis, which can be used for training, implementing new functionality, testing changes to existing functionality, and more.
  • The Initial HCM, Financials, and Student Implementation tenants expire 60 days after the customer’s Gold tenant is moved to Production. 
  • The minimum duration for a purchased tenant is 3 consecutive months.
  • The maximum duration for a purchased tenant is 1 year. A new order form will need to be processed after 1 year.
  • At the end of the initial term, the tenant auto-renews on a 3 consecutive month bases for 1 year.
  • Prism Analytics on additional tenant gives you 1 TB Storage with Published Rows up to 100,000,000
Additional Reads:

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