Thursday 30 April 2020

Workday Catch Up Behavior - Scheduling Reports / Integrations

Catch Up Behavior - Scheduling

While scheduling the Reports or Integrations, you will come across Catch Up Behavior field which is mandatory. Using the Catch Up Behavior option enables you to limit how many times processes run after maintenance issues cause errors. 

You will see the below options available. First time scheduling you will only see (Run Once and None)
  • Run Once - Selecting this option will Catch Up one time if it missed.
  • None        -  Selecting this option will NOT Catch Up at all even though it missed.
  • Legacy     -  Selecting this option will Catch Up the old /earlier expired ones. This is going to be deprecated in the future. [Don't be surprised if you don't see this now]
Example: If you schedule a process to run multiple times in a day when your environment is down for maintenance, you can limit the process to run once instead of catching up all missed occurrences.

During the maintenance window / Unplanned outage, if your reports or integrations were supposed to be running as per the schedule during that time you will use Catch up Behavior selection to tell what you want to do on the missed recurrences.

Note: You can't limit processes for schedules with a minute recurrence.

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