Friday 10 April 2020

Workday Tenant - Maintenance Windows

Maintenance Windows

As we know we need to enter a Tenant Management Request in the Workday Customer Center to create, refresh or delete a Implementation tenant, there you will be asked to select a Maintenance Window. You may also select to refresh your Sandbox Preview tenant during the described maintenance windows. Workday currently allows only Implementation tenant maintenance to occur.
Here is a quick view of Community Calendar which shows the filtered events - Operations on - Implementation, Production, Sandbox and Sandbox Preview. This provides the view of scheduled events.

Other events that you can check out in the filter are Training Class, User Group Meeting, and Webinar

Workday Maintenance Window

Daily we have 4 maintenance Windows. All 'time' represented is in 
Pacific Standard Time. Below are the Standard timings in a given day represents when the tenant request will begin processing.

  1.   2am
  2. 10am
  3.   6pm
  4. 10pm
All Week days except Friday 6pm, Friday 10pm, and Saturday 2am, because of the Weekly Maintenance.

You need to submit your maintenance request by 2pm PT on the day prior to your preferred maintenance window. This is the deadline set by Workday.

Workday Custom Reports

Custom Reports Apart from  Workday - Standard Reports , Workday allows you to create Custom Reports. There are variety of reports that ...