Friday 10 April 2020

Search Category and Synonym Setup

Search Categories

You may be wondering why my search results are pointed to a specific category ( mostly Common) once you type your words in the search bar and hit enter.

To change this default, you need to access the task "Edit Tenant Setup - Search".  Make sure you have enough permissions to access this task.

Under Search Category, change it to your preferred Category. (In the second screen shot below)

Below screen shows the keyword 'hire' and the category on the left pointing to Common.
Workday Search Page - Search Categories and Results

Search Synonyms

Search Synonyms are something which you want to see in the search results based on what you predefined

Say, for Example when you type Affordable Care and search in the search bar, it results in some reports and tasks. Affordable care is often called as Obama Care, so if you want to refer the affordable care, you can simply search for Obama care as a synonym. Here 

        Workday Term is Affordable Care
               Synonym is Obama Care

Access the task "Edit Tenant Setup - Search" under Search Synonym Workday currently has a "Tenant Setup - Search" area, this allows you to create synonymous search terms and associate them with WD delivered terms. e.g. Employee = Worker, Workers etc.
Do remember this is not ad search prefixes
Search Category and Search Synonym Setup

Synonyms in different languages can be listed together. However, if many synonyms will be defined across several languages, it is recommended to define synonyms in the tenant base language and then use the Business Object Translation task to create translations in other languages.

Additional Reads

Workday Search Prefixes

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