Saturday 11 April 2020

Reference IDs

Reference IDs

Reference IDs is something which you would realize that it is one of the important thing in Workday. This tells you how exactly the codes are stored and maintained at the back-end (OMS).

The Reference IDs will be used at the time of filling your templates in the excel sheets for EIB Inbound's or i Loads

Let us take an example of Gender Business Object, where you typically see Male, Female and Not disclosed. How does Workday stores the values of these? the answer to this is - In the form of Reference ID Value.

There are three tasks related to Reference IDs
  1. View Reference IDs - Just view 
  2. Maintain Reference IDs - Can set preferences and edit too
  3. Edit Reference ID - To edit a specific instance
Access the task View Reference IDs from search bar and key in the BO that you want to see. This is just view only of your Reference Ids.

Below screen shows the three instances of Reference IDs. Also notice the Reference ID Value pertaining to each of the instance. The Reference ID value of  "Not Declared" is empty

Access the task Maintain Reference IDs, below screen shows up. Here you have options based on what to display on the further screen. 
  • Include Empty Values Only-Returns all the empty reference id Values.  Example: Not Declared.
  • Include Defaulted Values Only - Returns all the defaulted values of the instances.
  • None of the above - Returns all the instances of the Business Object.

Up on Clicking OK on above screen, you can see the screen where you will be able to edit / maintain your existing Reference ID Values. Notice that we have added "Not_Declared"
Access the task Edit Reference ID where you can edit one Instance of your Business Object at a time. See below Example where we try to edit Reference ID - Not Declared.
Below is the screen which shows the Value that you can edit for your Reference ID.

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